Our Lifes Will Never Be The Same

"After so many adventures that they did together, two girls decided to go for one more; But this time, to discover their future. It wasn't near their homes, it wasn't near where they used to go camping, it wasn't near where they used to go when they didn't want to go to school, it wasn't near where they live too... It was in London. Emily, and Kim. Two long-time-ago friends wanted to go to London since they met when they were young, and after they graduated at School Of Arts in New York City, they spent five months thinking of what they wanted to do for their future; And it was it, the big opportunity to go to other country to study or even work. And that's when the five friends applied for New London University for one more big experience of their lives. But the new life in London it won't be easy for them; New and true friends will be around them; New love will be found; Unknown lives and persons will be in the same way and without even noticed; But something will never change...Their lifes will never be the same... 

"-Our lives will never be the same..."
"-I love you...
-I love you too and i don't want to be away from you anymore..." "

- Created by: Rita

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